Miyerkules, Pebrero 29, 2012

Cartoon Photos

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This photos was taken after our BMA Night. It was one of my best nights so far. Oscars was our theme. It was a hella wild night. After BMA Night. I decided to took a shot for fun. And i loved it! Love the hair and the make-up so much. I don't even want to take it off. Haha! :D



We just watched Brigadoon a while ago. Very beautiful stage play. Ang galing ng mga actors and actresses.  I love how they sing their lines and deliver it properly.Brigadoon is a place in Scotland (it's actually a magical place) where people there love to sing what they feel and what they want to say. They sing to express their feelings. The story is about an American Guy who fell in love with a girl in Brigadoon. They became attached and comfortable to each other. Pero, madami ding sikreto and Brigadoon. One of it was a day in Brigadoon is equivalent to a hundred years in reality. The story of Brigadoon is very magical.

Grabe lang! Parang gusto ko pumunta sa Brigadoon. I just only want to experience everything in there. It seems like you are in a fairy tale. So magical and romantic. HAHA! :)

Is it possible to have a so called Brigadoon here in the Philippines? Wala lang. It seems cool to have it here. :P
Sana meron nga. So that I don't have to spend money just to go to Scotland and find Brigadoon. haha!

Good Evening. :)

Martes, Pebrero 28, 2012

My First Blog


As a beginner in this blogspot, nangangapa pa ako. HHAHA! Well actually, I really wanted to have my own blog way back before i went to college. I just don't have the time to organize and update it. Ako pa naman yung taong kapag naumpisahan na, gusto ko tuloy tuloy na. Since I've been busy doing some other stuffs, i decided not to make blogs. But now that I already have a lot of time to update some of my accounts, naisip ko na ring isingit itong blog. And here it is. :)

My First Blog. :)
Since it's my first blog, i'll introduce myself first. Myles Delector Marcelino is the name. I have Spanish blood (I got it from my Dad). Nov. 7 is my birthday. I'm from Antipolo City. Paulinian from QCYellow is my favorite color. i can sing, a bit of dancing, and a bit of drawing. i'm a frustrated photographer. i love photography, fashion, vintage, hippie, music, writing, and, doodling. My mantra in life is TO TRAVEL. :))

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/SELYMisHERE
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/selymishere
Tumblr: http://selymishere.tumblr.com/

That's all for now. It's already 12:24am in my watch and i still have classes at 7am.